Add on Upper Body Toning
Strengthening the Lower and Upper Body
Below is a simple suggestion for building up the strength and endurance. The moves are simple and easy to maneuver; and offer fast results at any pace.
This move of the week is combines cardiovascular and strength. I've decided to combine the following:
Dead Lifts
Dead Lifts w/Overhead Arms
High Knees (high or low impact)
Rapid Fire Punches
5-10 Reps
5 Sets
moderate to rapid (yet controlled) pace
Whether they're done using high or low impact, you will still meet the goal of an increased heart rate and endurance.
The Curtsey
This movement works the core as it helps to strengthen and burn more calories. You will also find that the lower body, hamstrings and quadriceps, are isolated as well. This movement should be done at a slow to moderate pace; 10-15 reps per each side (or more depending on the intensity your are trying to achieve).
The Front Leaning Rest Position
The push-up is a cardiovascular exercise that also increases muscle strength and endurance. Demonstrated are a few variables that can be added to the standard push up routine. These moves are also very common in a Bootcamp environment.
For more of challenge, add Bur-pees or Squat Thrusts to the combination.